Toxic and harmful gas detection alarm control system - Shenyang Kechuang Chemical

Shenyang Kechuang Chemical Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and other pesticides, and other fine chemical products manufacturing processing and application services. Because the production and management process of the product involves toluene, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, oxygen, carbon monoxide, ammonia, hydrochloric acid and other toxic and harmful gases, which pose a serious threat to life and property safety. The company targeted to provide toxic gas detector ASD5300C and gas controller JB-TB-ASD5100/JB-TB-ASD5150, for Shenyang KECtron safe production escort.

Gas detection system solutions

Because the production and management process of the product involves toluene, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, oxygen, carbon monoxide, ammonia, hydrochloric acid and other toxic and harmful gases, which pose a serious threat to life and property safety.

Application sites

  • Electric welding plant

    Under the action of high temperature and strong ultraviolet light produced by welding arc, a large number of toxic gases will be produced around the arc area, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and other gases, and long-term contact will cause a certain degree of damage to the body.

  • Distillery

    Winemaking is a fermentation process that is completed by bacterial metabolism. Bacteria breathe in oxygen, breathe out carbon dioxide, and when carbon dioxide is large, they emit carbon dioxide gas.

  • Bakery

    During the production of bread and pastries, carbon dioxide gas is produced by yeast fermentation and baking. Low concentrations of carbon dioxide are not toxic, but high concentrations can cause poisoning.

  • Paper mill

    Printing plant in the production of a large number of color ink and organic diluent, ink with the diluent (solvent) is mainly toluene, ethyl acetate, acetone and a small amount of butyl ketone. These solvents become toxic and harmful gases in the production process.