Combustible, poisonous and harmful gas detection system - Liaohe Oilfield

The oil field is mainly for oil and natural gas exploration and development; The combustion of oil and crude oil in the atmosphere will produce a variety of toxic and harmful gases. Mainly nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and other gases.

Gas detection system solutions

Application sites

  • Underground pipe gallery

    In the process of power pipeline transmission, heating is easy to produce sparks, and the centralized setting of gas pipeline is easy to explode. The toxic gas leaking from the gas pipeline will cause harm to the inspection and maintenance personnel in the comprehensive pipeline gallery and cause poisoning phenomenon.

  • Gas industry

    As a kind of clean energy, natural gas is widely used in daily life. Natural gas is stored and transported through gas pipelines, which are corroded by external factors for a long time, resulting in gas leakage.

  • Printshop

    Printing plant in the production of a large number of color ink and organic diluent, ink with the diluent (solvent) is mainly toluene, ethyl acetate, acetone and a small amount of butyl ketone. These solvents become toxic and harmful gases in the production process.

  • Colliery

    The production of coal mines must go through the processes of coal mining, transportation, washing, loading, and external transportation. In the process of coal production, carbon monoxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other toxic and harmful gases will be produced, which will endanger health.