Anchide toxic and harmful gas detection system - Liaoning Senyuan Chemical Co., LTD

Liaoning Senyuan Chemical Co., LTD., mainly produces p-nitroaniline, nitroaniline, phthalocyanine pigments (blue, green) and other dyes, pesticide intermediates and pigments. Toxic and harmful gases such as ammonia and chlorine will be produced in the production process, which poses a great threat to life safety.

Gas detection system solutions

Application sites

  • Chemical fertilizer plant

    Chemical fertilizer production process will produce waste gas, ammonia, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and other harmful gases. Exposure to high concentrations of harmful gases for a long time will have different degrees of adverse effects on the body.

  • Pesticide factory

    In the production of pesticides, the pesticide factory will emit organic and inorganic waste gas. The organic waste gas contains methanol, methyl mertan, chloroform, dichloroethane and other combustible gases, while the inorganic waste gas contains chlorine, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and other harmful gases.

  • Printshop

    Printing plant in the production of a large number of color ink and organic diluent, ink with the diluent (solvent) is mainly toluene, ethyl acetate, acetone and a small amount of butyl ketone. These solvents become toxic and harmful gases in the production process.

  • Dangerous goods warehouse

    Dangerous goods warehouse stores toxic and infectious goods. Harmful goods refer to the goods that can have biochemical or biophysical changes with body fluids and tissues after entering the body, disturb or destroy the normal physiological function of the body, cause temporary or persistent pathological conditions, and even endanger life.